What is a flirt pole?
A ball attached to a rope attached to a pole , that is the flirt pole. Other than a ball, the flirt pole can use a tug or any other toy the dog enjoys. Usually that is a ball or a soft tug.
Can all dogs play with the flirt pole?
Almost all dogs can play with the flirt pole. Overweight dogs and dogs with joint problems should not play with the flirt pole at all or if they do, they should get a very good warm-up before doing so. The duration and intensity of the game for dogs in the above mentioned category should be short and mild respectively.
Puppies in growth stage should play with the flirt pole mainly for drive channelling and building drive instead of energy expenditure.
It is a prerequisite that the dog knows the “out” command to play with the flirt pole regardless of age.
The many benefits of flirt pole for dogs.
The flirt pole is a very demanding activity. This means the dog expends a lot of energy in a short period of time.
It does not demand a lot of space. You can easily play with the flirt pole in your back yard.
It exercises the rear legs, core muscles and strengthens the dog's cardiovascular system.
The flirt pole is suitable for dogs who are prone to taking the toy and leave.
It is also a very good way to develop explosiveness for dogs that practice dog sports.
What is more, the flirt pole allows the dog to engage their natural chase instinct while you maintain control of the toy.
Additionally it improves the dog's coordination. It is also mentally stimulating for the dog catering to their natural chase and prey instinct and figuring out the movement of the lure
How to prepare for the flirt pole.
A brief ( 5-10 minute) walk to slightly increase heart rate and warm up the muscles is enough. Any low intensity activity can be used instead of the walk.
Game duration.
The duration of the game depends on the dog's age and physical condition. As we have already mentioned puppies, overweight dogs and dogs with joint problems should only play for short periods of time.
A healthy adult dog can play for approximately ten minutes depending on the intensity of the game. When exercising your dog remember to always take into account the weather conditions in your area. On very hot days, the duration and intensity of the game should be shorter and milder respectively.
How to play flirt pole with your dog and how to get his attention.
Choose a ball or tug according to the dog's preference. Start by making cyclical moves dragging the ball on the ground. As soon as the dog starts chasing it , cycle twice and let him have it. If the dog is not very interested then you let him tug a bit before you ask him to out. As soon as the dog outs , start playing.
If the dog is very much interested and chases happily , avoid tugging when he catches the toy. Stop pulling on your side and give the out command.
In case the dog is indifferent to the flirt pole, try moving the ball to different directions with sudden jerky moves , try moving the ball with different speeds some faster some slower until something gets him interested. Sometimes making sounds while moving the flirt pole attracts the interest even of the most indifferent to the flirt pole dogs.