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Writer's pictureWorking Bull Terriers Kennel

Dog -Dog Owner Mutual Respect

Updated: Feb 4

When people ask “ do you take all your dogs out to play together?” and we answer “no, never” they look puzzled. So do we. An awkward moment of puzzlement for all of us. They think “why not?” and we think “are you serious?” It is absolutely normal for a Bull Terrier to display aggressive behaviour towards other dogs. If somebody tries to convince you otherwise, they probably want to make extra money out of behaviour correction. Considering this normal does not mean we like it. It means we respect the animal's nature and idiosyncrasy. We will NEVER train a dog to “ like” and “hang out” with other dogs. If a dog likes other dogs, that is fine. If a dog does not like other dogs ,that is fine too. Even if a dog likes and wants to play with other dogs he will always do so under supervision. If he does not like other dogs he will never be without a leash in a place with other dogs. While on leash the dog knows how to behave and will never threaten any other animal, he will never act aggressively because he knows it is not acceptable. We make sure the dog is always under control and free only in a controlled space. Trying to “change” the dog with intention to “teach” him to accept other dogs because I think this is the right thing to do, is disrespectful and oppressive. We respect the dog's idiosyncrasy and do not oppress. I will not force my dog to accept something just because it would make me feel good. The dog will learn to respect the rules I set for his safety and the safety of those around us, and I will be responsible to not allow accidents to happen. I write this in reference to dogs with pure aggressive behaviour, not aggressive behaviour due to phobia. These two are not to be confused as they are two different things. My approach would be different towards a dog with animal aggression that stems from phobia. Any training should above all be done with respect and love for the dog for the species and the individual. How I would have wanted or have imagined my dog would be is my issue, not the dog's. My dog bares no responsibility of my imagining that I would take him to the park and watch him play with all the other dogs. I have no right to try and impose this on him. I do have the obligation to teach my dog rules of behaviour so he can live in his environment with safety.

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