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Writer's pictureWorking Bull Terriers Kennel

Bull Terrier Tactical training

Updated: Feb 4

white bull terrier standing on tall tyres

''No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength which his body is capable'' Socrates 469-399 BC. ''It is a shame for a Bull Terrier to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength which his body is capable '' Phaidon 2020 I red this proverb of Socrates many years ago. I agreed at once and kept it on my mind as a guide. To never deviate from my goal, to find out how far I can take my body, to discover my capabilities, to find my limits and surpass them. I slightly changed the proverb and adapted it for the Bull Terrier. Like I've said before , I do with our dogs what I do with myself. They are fed the proper natural food for their species, we use approximately the same herbs and follow the same training protocols.

My goal is to bring out the capabilities of the breed in every field. Sports, training etc. Truth is, much has been accomplished during the last years but I strongly believe we have yet to reach the peak of the breed's capabilities. We will continue working with the same pace in order to some day discover the skills of the breed and get the Bull Terrier to be recognized by the majority of people as a dog with skills other than just lying on the couch. We will keep sharing with you our dogs' achievements and the training methods we use to achieve our goals. We will continue accepting for training any Bull Terrier we are assigned to train regardless the difficulty, whether training on line or in person. Because I know that however difficult training a Bull Terrier might seem to dog owners, with our approach you will always have the desired outcome. In our soon to be published book , along with other useful information, we have analysed our training method in such a way that every dog owner can train their dog. We are often asked “how did you do that?” , “how am I going to teach my dog to do that?”. The answer is in the book in a chapter dedicated to how to start with a puppy building a strong and correct foundation , how to work with an adult dog to achieve your training goals and build a very good relationship with your dog. When you want to do more with your dog than basic obedience training, things become more complicated

. It is impossible to answer with “do those three things and you will get your results”. You have got to built a relationship of trust and create a dog that wants to work with you and for you. This is the target above all, accomplish that and everything else will follow.

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